Every year I post 100 of my favorite photos from the year’s travels. Ordinarily, this post comes around the New Year. For 2018 I was a full year delayed due to issues with WordPress. I’m extremely delayed in getting this post (photos from 2019) written, but had an extensive backlog to work through and have been delayed with work and travels. Now, fully caught up, I’m happy to pull together 100 of my favorite color shots from 2019 to share with you.
This year’s post includes photos from Georgia, Oman, China, The US (Colorado), Scotland, Denmark, and Norway. After falling in love with my Sony A7RII, for 2019 I upgraded to a Sony A7RIII which gave me better battery performance, better boost shooting for animals and action scenes, and even more dynamic range.
This post is part of an annual tradition. For previous years, check out 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016, 2017 and 2018. You can also see my 100 favorite black and white shots from 2018 (HERE). My top 100 shots in black and white from 2019 will come in the next few months.
For my daily photo posts feel free to tune in and follow along via Instagram @virtualwayfarer.
Questions about how I composed or took a specific photo? Feel free to ask in a comment. You’re also encouraged to check out my complete flickr albums here which include the many other shots from 2018 (and previous years) which didn’t make it in this post.