A Quick Update

Hello all,

First, let me apologize for the lack of recent updates. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere – in fact I’ll be back in action with oodles of updates soon! In the interim here’s a quick update:

Why so few blog updates recently? simply put, I’ve begun work on a book, which I’m focusing on heavily. My goal is to have the book written and completed by the end of this summer. That means I’ve got a lot to write and only a little time to get it done. If you enjoy and follow my blog posts and commentary on Millennials, Digital Natives/Immigrants, Technology and Education the good news is – I’ve got a lot of new material to share with you all. I realize many of you may prefer blog form, but a book allows me to dive into the topics and paint a complete picture in a way I just can’t do via blog posts. I will be reaching out to publishers soon – if you have someone who might be interested or you would like to recommend please have them contact me by e-mail.

If you follow this blog and enjoy my travel posts and updates – have no fear. I’m excited to announce that I’ve scheduled a trip to Ireland and Scotland for July 11th-27th.  In addition to covering Dublin and Edinburgh, I’ll have exciting updates about the Highlands, Orkney Islands, Cliffs of Moher and Giants Causeway.  I’m looking forward to delivering rich coverage of the trip and have added a HD FlipUltra and Eee PC to my list of travel equipment. In addition to the stories, photos and limited video I’ve been able to deliver in the past – I hope to expand the experience by letting you ride shotgun.  On a personal note, what makes the trip even more exciting: I’ll be connecting with my brother, who authors DavidBerger.net and has been in Europe since January working for the U.S. Consulate/Backpacking across Eastern Europe. If you’ve got a few spare minutes I highly suggest checking his blog out from playing with bears to hitchhiking on the back of an old Harley – he’s got a number of great stories to share.

I’ve also been dedicating an increased amount of time to my side project: FusionVirtual.  We have currently established exciting relationships with major community college programs in the Southwest and are currently looking for a video game developer to partner with and begin development.  We’re moving closer to re-defining how distance learning is delivered and I can’t wait to share more with you once the project reaches a more advanced stage.

Lastly I’ve been working with author C. Descry to establish a social media/increased web presence.  Over the past few months we’ve launched a new website (which is almost complete) and will be making the 2nd edition of his book: Crow Canyon available for free as a download by the end of this month.  Check his site for additional information.

As always I am active on twitter (@AlexBerger) and am available for direct communication via AlexBerger.net.  Love this blog?  Become a fan on Facebook <here>.

Thank you all for your patience! More to come soon!

I am a travel blogger and photographer. I also am involved in academic research into the study abroad and backpacker communities.