During my US road trip I had a quick stopover in Prescott to see my folks and old friends. One of the highlights of the house in Prescott is the incredible yardwork my folks have done which has transformed the back yard from a rock strewn chunk of hillside, into a wonderful oasis full of life, vegetables, and gorgeous blooms. Of the many flowers in the garden, my favorite are always the lilies which, as luck had it, were in the midst of blooming. The mixture of whites, pinks, and yellows combined with the sound of the water and the sight of the fish lazily making their way from lily pad to lily pad always soothes and centers me in a way few other things can. Here are a few photos of the back yard garden and lilies with a brief non-lily cameo. You can see the rest of the photos in the flickr album, including black and white versions not included here.
Photos in this post were taken with a Canon 6D