Denmark 101 – How to Make Danish Friends – Episode 7

Perhaps THE most common question among recently arrived internationals in Denmark is, “How do I make Danish friends!?”.
In this video I delve into the topic, offer suggestions and a few comments that should ease you in the process and help you better understand why building Danish friendships can, at times, require an entirely different approach than you may be familiar with in your home culture.
Don’t miss Episode 6. where I talked more specifically about the process of meeting Danes. See it here.
Sorry about the light! Sun came out and overwhelmed the camera.
Want to start at the beginning of the series? Jump to episode 1.
Denmark and it’s residents are a fascinating group. In this video series I leverage my observations and research to share with you insights into how to get the most of your interactions with the Danes and your time in Denmark regardless of the duration of your visit. One day or ten years – my goal is to share observations I’ve made from my 5 years of living, studying, and working among the Danes.
If you’re Danish, hopefully you’ll find this series interesting, a bit informative, and not too outlandishly inaccurate. So far the feedback and input has been great and I look forward to continuing to further exploring Danish culture with you.
If you’re a foreigner coming to Denmark, I hope this helps you build upon observations and insights the rest of us had to find out the hard way.
Topics that will be covered include the Danish approach to nudity, how to make Danish friends, how to meet Danes, Danish manners, studying in Denmark, working here, traditions, key behaviors, taxes, dating and even a look at Janteloven.
Stay tuned for future updates – this is just the beginning! Can’t wait? Jump to YouTube and view all of the latest episodes and while there make sure to Subscribe!
Hey, just came across this blog via your youtube videos. Since you’re a world traveler, I have a question for you: What, in your opinion, are the most artsy and liberal cities in the world–outside of the US. Are there cities that resemble Austin, Texas, Portland, Oregon, or San Francisco outside of the US? Cities where there are lots of artists, musicians, poets and laid back, idealistic people? I saw your article about Christiana not being what it used to be. But I’d also heard that Europe, in general, is much more liberal than the US.
Strange question perhaps, but I’m sure a lot of people would be interested in knowing this.
Hi Meri, lots of cities like that. Essentially any place you have a nice metropolitan balance that isn’t too crazy big and which has a high percentage of well educated students/university culture but also the professional industry to retain that talent after graduation. Copenhagen is definitely one of those. Stockholm as well. Oslo, not so much. Berlin is for some people as is Amsterdam. Some might even argue the same, though with more extreme contrasts, for Prague or Paris. Edinburgh might be another candidate. Ultimately though from what you’re describing, Copenhagen would absolutely woo you.