Category BackpackingPosted on

Adventure Travel: Caving Deep Beneath Budapest – My First Brush With Claustrophobia

Claustrophobia is a scary thing.  Well, it ought to be it ends in phobia, right?  Luckily it hasn't ever really been something I had to worry about.  Granted, I come from Arizona where we're famous for our wide open spaces. After all "Don't Fence Me In" could just as easily be about Arizona as Mon…
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Category BackpackingPosted on

In My Father’s Footsteps: Photos of Dad’s 1970 visit to Granada Spain and My Shots From 38 Years Later

I have the great fortune of coming from a family of travelers.  I crossed my first international border before I could walk and have continued to feel the drive to explore ever since. As I pave my path through life it's …
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Category BackpackingPosted on

Five of My Favorite Travel Videos From Around the World

Over the last few years I have been lucky enough to travel to some pretty amazing places.  A few years ago I decided that photos alone were not cutting it.  So, I picked up a video camera and started shooting.  It's been quite the learning experience and isn't always easy.  It's amazing the added ch…
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Category BackpackingPosted on

How “Howdy” Has Made Me A Better Traveler – Considering Cultural Identifiers and Their Value

Each time we interact with a stranger there’s a significant amount of uncertainty. When that interaction occurs between people from different backgrounds, cultures, and languages that level of unknown is magnified sign…
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