Rain Soaked Textures In Bloom – Weekly Travel Photo

Flowers Blooming After Rain

I discovered these flowers covered in fresh raindrops just after a Scottish drizzle raced across the small village of Durness in Scotland’s far north western reaches.  The vibrantly colored flowers were in a small garden beside the road and I found myself separated from them by an ancient stone fence.  As I paused to snap this quick shot, I was forced to continually keep one eye on the flowers and the other on the small single lane country road that hopped over a small hill, turned a corner, and then raced along the coast with only a few feet on either side to spare.   Far from ideal, but never the less it did add a bit of excitement to an otherwise peaceful moment!

Make sure to head over to flickr to see the rest of the album.

Would you like to see previous Weekly Photos? View past travel pictures here. This photo was taken on a Canon T3i (600D) Camera.

I am a travel blogger and photographer. I also am involved in academic research into the study abroad and backpacker communities.