Two New Must Visit Websites for Travelers


Hello friends! It is my pleasure to officially announce the launch of two of my latest projects.  Many of you are no doubt aware that I currently run the UPL:  A website I created to serve as a sort of quick crash course/101 list for travelers.  The goal for the site was to create an easy to access, one page reference list that put all the core information an amateur/moderately experienced traveler would need in one spot. So far the site has filled the niche between quick 10 point travel tip blog posts, and more comprehensive resource sites/advice beautifully – receiving wonderful feedback and steady traffic.


The Travel Resource List

Today, I’m happy to announce that I’m at it again.  Sticking with the same theme (simple is better, less is more) I’m thrilled to share the Travel Resource List (TRL): with you. I’ve created a two page website.  The main and primary page is exactly what the domain suggests – A filtered list of the TOP Travel Resource websites sorted by category.  From Airfare to mobile travel apps, my goal is to generate a top level resource that highlights the tools and websites experienced travelers use and shares those resources/websites with the travel community as a whole.  The sites linked on TRL are only linked to based on their value.  Additionally, unlike a lot of general travel lists which indiscriminately share links – the links provided are all hand picked and reviewed for value/quality.   I’ll also be updating the list regularly, so please don’t hesitate to share your favorite resource with me if you feel that it belongs on the list and is missing.

The second page on TRL is dedicated to a comprehensive travel blog list.  There are a LOT of Travel blog lists out there. Most are either very limited in scope, poorly maintained, or buried deep within larger sites.  One of the other problems that plague travel blogs is their lack of longevity – it’s not uncommon for travelers to start a Travel Blog before their trip, add it to a bunch of lists, update it during the trip, and then abandon it.  In an effort to weed these types of dead blogs out, I’ve done something a bit unusual.  In order for a blog to be listed on the TRL, I require at least 5 months in existing blog archives.  The list is brand new and growing – if you meet the criteria, please don’t hesitate to submit your site.


The Travel Resource Network

As I continue to add stand alone travel resource sites – I i realized I needed a way to keep them connected and to help readers find their way from site to site (after all, if you find one useful – you’ll no doubt love the others!). Though far less exciting than the Travel Resource List, I’ve launched the Travel Resource Network (TRN): to serve as an overall parent website for my various projects.  As part of the launch VirtualWayfarer, Ultimate Packing List, and Travel Resource List have all been rolled up under the Travel Resource Network umbrella.   The TRN portal will remain as is – a simple, straight forward landing page for those utilizing the member sites.  To be clear, I will NOT be changing the structure of the individual sites or rolling them in to a network page.  My goal is simplicity and my site’s target niche is the gray space between light blog post and comprehensive network site.

I look forward to your feedback and continued contributions, as I strive to provide quality resources that help improve travel knowledge and people’s overall travel experience.  Have a favorite site or blog I missed? Please don’t hesitate to post it here for consideration.  Love the sites and like the idea?  Make sure to book mark them, I’d also be in your debt for a stumble and/or tweet.

The roads will open up for you! Travel safe!

I am a travel blogger and photographer. I also am involved in academic research into the study abroad and backpacker communities.