Friday’s Weekly Travel Photo – Preikestolen Norway
Today’s Friday Photo comes from Preikestolen, Norway also known as the Preacher’s Pulpit. This incredible rock formation overlooks the Lysefjorden and consists of a rock outcropping which is about 82 feet by 82 feet and projects out into empty space over the fjord. As you can see from today’s photo the view down is pretty stunning. What you’re looking at is about 1,982 feet of fresh Norwegian air between the ledge, my boots and the fjord below. Due to the nearly square nature of the pulpit and the sturdy nature of the rock which forms it, most visitors pause to look over the edge before dangling their toes out into empty space. As someone who isn’t a huge fan of heights it definitely pushed my comfort zone but was a wonderful experience, and one that helped me partially overcome my fear of heights. There are no guide rails, ropes, or other safety devices in place.
To reach Preikestolen there’s a semi-rugged 3.8km hike which climbs about 1,000 feet. However, the path tends to rise and fall several times as you hike along ridges and past a number of small lakes. While parts of the path are very easy and well maintained others tend to be pretty steep and be made largely of small boulders. If you find yourself in Norway, I highly suggest making the trip. The closest major city is Stavanger, located in the South West of Norway.
Remember you can see Friday Photos from previous weeks here.
Fabulous shot, makes me feeling the dizzy I’d get from sitting there – I have a fear of heights…
Considering the fact that this is our neighbor country, I find it odd that we haven’t been there already. We were on the way one year, but that was in the spring and there were very bad weather stopping us. We were planning a longer route by car in Norway, but cancelled our plans. It will not be done this year either, another year… this year we’ll instead be driving from Sweden to the French Riviera to visit blogging friends and meetup with Norwegian blogging friends over there
That sounds like a great roadtrip! Norway is too close. It’s funny how the stuff in our back yard – no matter how incredible – is always some of the most difficult to see! Preikestolen and the fjords around there are spectacular and well worth seeing sometime soon(ish)! Definitely best done in summer though, not sure what I would have done if there was any ice around while visiting. Scary!
Yeah, summer is best and that’s why we can’t go this year either…. I think July-August would be ideal for a trip to preikestolen (last time we tried go there were early June) and we’re always at our summer island in July (Gotland, eastcoast of Sweden) and in August we will make the long Europe roadtrip.
Baaah! Why isn’t there more time!!!!! (and money in the wallet I might add… lol)
haha, agreed. It’s always the one or the other isn’t it?
I can see any picture, but unless you actually look at it is so beautiful. Great article and will for sure +1 your site. Thanks for the info.
Agreed, it really does have to be seen in person!
This is amazing I love the photo it seems like you are parasailing or something like that. I hope that you had a blast in Norway.
This is amazing I love the photo it seems like you are parasailing or something like that. I hope that you had a blast in Norway. The water looks so blue and clear there. I wish I could have gone there with you.
Thanks! Yep, the water was an amazing color. Whole place is just gorgeous and I really lucked out with the weather!